The Last Ones Wiki
Name Nigel
Age 25-30 (at time of death)
Gender Male
The Choice
Dead Man's Trigger
Profession Unknown
Family Unknown
Status Deceased
Cause of
Shot in head by Big Pete after being
bitten by a zombie lured into the area
by Joy Maybell
Ethnicity Caucasian
The Choice to Dead Man's Trigger

Nigel is a minor character and survivor in The Last Ones.


Nothing is known about Nigel or his life before the outbreak. It is possible however that he lived and worked in Summerlyn City.

Post Apocalypse[]

Season One[]


Little is known about what happened to Nigel after the outbreak, but at some point he ended up in Summerlyn City, working for Eli Loche and residing at his swimming center base.

The Choice[]

Nigel first appears as he heads out with Eli's other followers as they travel to Peter Thompson's camp, where they have been ordered to kill his people. As they approach, they are calmly confronted by Joy Maybell, one of the survivors. They immediately raise their weapons at her. Joy hands over her gun and places her hands in the air. She is stunned when she discovers the group have been sent to kill everyone at the camp. When Cassie and Big Pete get cold feet about killing, Ken takes them to one side and tries to convince them to follow Eli's instructions. Joy is left being guarded by Jonny.

Over the next few minutes, they continue to debate on whether to follow his instructions. Cassie and Big Pete bring up the possibility of taking them alive. Just then, Ken is horrified to discover that Joy has escaped by slitting Jonny's throat and taken off in her car. With their friend dead, the group finally find the motivation they need to follow Eli's commands.

Dead Man's Trigger[]

Eli's followers make their way closer to the survivors camp. Malcolm is insistent that Joy pay the price for the murder of Jonny. Before they can talk further, the group are troubled to come across Joy's abandoned car giving off a noisy alarm. Big Pete disables it and remarks that Joy set the alarm on purpose. As Malcolm asks why she would do that, Gus spots a large group of zombies heading straight for them, as they've been lured over by the racket. Big Pete asks Malcolm if they answer his question.

They are almost overwhelmed by the number of zombies but they quickly use their guns to dispose of them. Nigel is approached by a zombie from behind and is bitten in the shoulder. He kills it, but it quickly becomes apparent to the group that Nigel has no chance of surviving. Ken remarks that he can't put yet another friend down, so Big Pete does it instead, in spite of Nigel's protests that he'll be fine.

Kill Count[]

This list shows the known victims that Nigel has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies.


The Last Ones Characters
Thompson Family PeterLornaBeatriceMilo
Winterhodge Hollow SeanJoyceFrannyBillGilbertDonnaEdJimmyDerek
Ollie's Group HenryJaiGeorgieShiroAimiJoyKarenOllie
Summerlyn City AlexisAngieCharlotteJesseBobbyVictoriaJackMaddison
Escaped Convicts JavierSidEliAmarTerryDonaldRichardCallumBob
Eli's Recruits JoelMalcolmBig PeteKenCassieDanGusNigelJonny
(Housing Complex)
Midway DonnaDrewShilohRachelElaineFeliciaPennyMarkWaylonDwayneCalvinAnnetteClifford
Glitz DrakeRicardoEricaWillBrandonBobRobin
Blaine's Group Lydia-JeanBlaineReginaldCarlosLaurieNoreenJimNateSteveJacksonDonBaileyJohnAustinFrank
Underground Facility NoahDiegoCeciliaGwenClaireHaileyJockNiko
Jacquelyn's Group MicahJacquelynOwenDominicTristanHeidiLouLarryJefferyDianeKeith
Grizzly Motel CalebKelseyAshlynJonahWadeRheaAjaxClarityHopeHankRuthDougiePabloRogerRaymondFreddieTurnerAlyssaCameronGrahamGrantFrankDannyBoydHoldenTrentPaula
Notable Animals BenJinxDexterDelilahDolly
Miscellaneous HerbShirleyIanPaigeMikaylaVicenteDavidSamanthaLeahCrystalLolaGloriaMiguelYuuCollinRamon
Unseen Characters AnthonyBeckettCheungMaryAnnPatrickJoeyLouiseHarryRosaNataliaMarcoSuzannaJasmeetIvanMr. de Luca
Notable Undead Michael's ZombieTommyJennifer